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Terms and Conditions
1. Completion of Work
1.1 We will carry out any work that may be accepted from you to the best of our professional
1.2 Subject to you providing all information and material that, in our opinion, may be required for the work to progress, work will be completed within the timescale as may be agreed with you.
2. Copyright
2.1 You attest that all material provided by you for inclusion on your website is free of copyright issues, or that the copyright is vested in you and that you are content for such material to be included on the World Wide Web. You agree to indemnify Ciror against third party claims arising as a result of a breach of copyright on material provided by you for inclusion on your site.
2.2 Copyright in all material drafted by us for you is vested in us. On payment of our fees you are granted a non-exclusive licence without further charge to use the material without amendment for the purposes of your business.
2.3 Copyright of all programming techniques (both foreground and background) developed by Ciror for your website remains with us and cannot be transferred. This includes website layout and images( look & feel) where this has been developed by Ciror.
3. Ownership
3.1 Any documents, photographs, graphics or other materials provided by you in connection with such work shall remain your property and shall be returned on demand.
3.2 In the case of product supplied by us, including hardware, software and domain names, ownership of such items will remain with Ciror until paid for in full by you.
4. Privacy
4.1 Ciror will keep confidential all personal or business information disclosed to us by you while completing work accepted from you and will continue to do so after the work is completed.
5. Premature Termination of Work
5.1 The work may be terminated by you at any time by notifying us in writing. On termination, we will be entitled to be paid on the hourly basis as set out herein, or the specific fee agreed for the work, whichever is the less.
6. Payment
6.1 Unless otherwise agreed, we shall be entitled to be paid at our current hourly rate(plus vat) for all time directly attributable to the work, together with all directly attributable expenses. Where these expenses include travel by rail this may be first class fare and where by air at club/business class rates. Travel by car will be charged at our current mileage rate as guided by various motoring organisations. Unusually large expenses are payable in advance if so requested by us.
6.2 For substantial contracts, Ciror will invoice you for one third the estimated total sum at inception of work, one third when work is presented for approval, and remaining sum on completion of all work. For website development work, sites will not be submitted to any search engines until all outstanding balance is paid.
6.3 The minimum charge for work undertaken on website development or amendments is £20.00(plus VAT).
7. Non-Payment
7.1 Our fees are due within 14 days of the invoice date. Interim invoices may be submitted for payment while work remain current. Interest may be charged on outstanding sums in accordance with late payment of commercial Debts(Interest) Act 1998 at prevailing rate (currently Bank of England Base Rate plus 8%) and we shall not be bound to continue with any work on your behalf while an invoice remains outstanding.
7.2 If you are dissatisfied with any products or the service provided you must bring this to our attention as soon as possible such that circumstances may be investigated. Dissatisfaction with any of the service or with product(s) supplied is not justification for non-payment of the entire invoice.
7.3 In the case of website development work or annual hosting fees remaining unpaid, we may in addition to clause 7.1 above and at our discretion, disable access to the domain and may notifying visitors accordingly.
7.4 In the event that domain name registration fees remains unpaid Ciror reserves the right to either use that domain name for its own purposes or sell the domain name concerned to the highest bidder.
7.5 In the case of Hardware or Software supplied by us we reserve the right to remove any such items from your premises after notice.
7.6 While Ciror would prefer to settle any differences in a friendly, straight-forward manner, outstanding debts will be pursued to the maximum extent of the law.
8. Third Party Terms
8.1 Where Ciror is acting as a reseller for third party products or services, you agree to be bound by their terms and conditions access to which be provided on request
9. Notification of Price Changes
9.1 Ciror reserve the right to change prices or institute new charges for our services at any time. Such changes will only apply in respect of new work, including continuing monthly maintenance fees, hosting fees and domain renewal fees when the fall due.
10. Jurisdiction
10.1 This agreement shall be governed by English Law and the Courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any matters arising under it.
Developing and hosting Websites since 2004. We can help you.
We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information on this Website however we cannot guarantee that there are no errors or omissions.
All prices on this Website are shown exclusive of VAT which is chargeable at the prevailing rate.